Employee Engagement

  • employee_600x450
    Employee engagement – what’s the missing link? Employee engagement – what’s the missing link?

    Employee engagement – what’s the missing link?

Employee engagement – what’s the missing link?

Despite Employee Engagement having been a key concern of HR Directors for several years the recent CIPD headline “Deterioration in Employee Voice and Employee Engagement at record low” suggests it has yet to be addressed properly.  So what’s the problem? A clue may be the fact that I have yet to see a single article or presentation from any CEO […]

  • talent_600x450
    The talent management tightrope The talent management tightrope

    The talent management tightrope

The talent management tightrope

In recent years Talent Management has become a “must have” function in most big organisations – and why not. It seems logical and commendable that special attention is given to the “rising stars” – after all we’re always told, they are the future. And then I heard, over breakfast this morning, that a major organisation had put its talent management […]