Assessing Your Current Approach to People Development

This short checklist is a simple tool to help you determine your organisation’s current approach to people development. All you have to do is work through the statements under each section and score them on a scale of 1 to 4 where 1 = totally agree and 4 = totally disagree.

Once completed, add up your total score and use the table at the bottom of the page to interpret your results. There is no wrong place to be on this spectrum but the output from your checklist may help you identify the main areas you need to focus on if you wish to move to a different level. 

Download assessment  To score yourself download and print the self assessment:

Self Assessment


Development objectives are regularly reviewed and set in consultation with line managers
Line managers are clear about the specific capabilities needed in their teams
Capability improvement objectives are closely aligned to bottom-line performance goals
Learning & development is viewed as an investment rather than a cost
People development is recognised as a business critical process rather than a short-term fix
Developing our people is considered to be a business responsibility rather than one for the L&D team
Line Manager
Our line managers have the capability and resource to fully develop their team members
Our business leaders willingly invest their own time in developing their people
Our line managers have the coaching skills needed to fully support and get the best from their people
Our People Skills development is recognised as my own responsibility rather than something that HR does to me
Learning is seen as a positive career step rather than a response to a perceived weakness
Our people are keen to self-nominate for learning rather than be pushed from above
Current Development
We offer a full range of development opportunities rather than just regular training courses
Development activities consistently lead to measurable improvement in individual performance
Our L&D investment makes a measurable improvement to our organisational performance


Your overall score suggests your approach is in line with the following levels:

0 – 15 A real embedding culture exists. This indicates a very positive environment for converting your investment in developing your people into measurable business benefits.  Your challenge will be to sustain this by continuing to drive activity from close partnership with your business leaders
16  30 Strong focus on learning. Suggests an appetite and opportunities exist for closer alignment with the business but further work needed to close some specific gaps.
31 – 45 A development based approach focused on improving individual skills although not necessarily ensuring this translates into measurable benefits for the business
46 – 60 L&D investment centred on providing portfolio of training opportunities seen as necessary rather than as a real lever to deliver benefit to the business or the individual.