Our Approach to Embedding
Embedding performance requires equal consideration to 3 core stages –
engage, experience and embed – using simple pragmatic tools to help you focus your time and investment on the right activities to deliver sustainable performance improvement.
Whilst many organisations aspire to this approach they often struggle to put it into place. We offer proven experience with a structured approach and simple tools that can turn intention into reality.

- Develop clear understanding of skills, knowledge and behaviour to be developed
- Agree specific roles and responsibilities of all parties
- Put in place contract between individual, line manager and colleagues
- Identify how changes will be tracked and recognised
- Agree sources of further support back in the workplace
- Establish opportunities for participant to apply new skills, knowledge or behaviours within the workplace

- Range of programmes to provide participants with new material and leading practice in a variety of accessible formats
- Tailored programmes to fit your organisational needs and context, enabling participants to combine “formal” learning with variety of opportunities to practice, gain feedback and reflect on experience.
- Planned opportunities for risk free experimentation
- Provision of just in time hints and tips
- Access to programme experts for advice and follow up

- Immediate structured post programme review between line manager and participant to establish embedding plan
- Regular structured checkpoints to identify and recognise progress, identify further support and steps
- Use of simple pragmatic tools and checklists from the programme
- On line reminders and access to materials from programme facilitators
- Provision of expert advice and just in time support from programme facilitators.